About Danbo Publishing

Just one guy living life on the fly trying to get by.”

I am currently looking to start recording the next catalogue of songs which I have been writing for the last 8 years. If you are a producer, plugger, publisher, musician or influencer then please contact me. I'm an open book and flexible with both my time and approach to collaborations and music. Reclusive ideally I am still always pleased to get out somewhere new and meet likeminded people. This is my first time promoting my music catalogue and I have included everything I have so far recorded "walts n'all...." Its taken me a while but I've realised now that I just like writing songs and I'm finally ready to start sharing them. 

Maybe we could work together.....hopefully our paths will cross and we can create something great together.  

I hope you have enjoyed visiting the new website. New links to come will include The Independent Music Trust & Yoga Music projects along with a shop page where you can directly purchase the best picks from the Danbo Retail Ebay shop

Inquiries / Contact

Please donate to help support and promote my music

This is my buskers hat

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The minimum tip is £1.00

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